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Mystery Noir Live Painting

an important detail is missing for the artwork

New limited edition for the benefit of the cause 

We are pleased to unveil our new limited edition created for the benefit of a meaningful project! This limited edition, reproduced by Atelier Claire Deprez, aims to support a good cause through the voice of Handipeople. Through workshops and training courses, the association wishes to raise awareness of empathy and tolerance towards difference.. 

 The little mouse attached to the rocket represents autonomy. It is a character who, by all means, will manage to achieve its goals. The heart that the mouse holds preciously in her arms symbolises love, and more precisely the love that she gives to herself. Self-love is a powerful fuel that helps us to move forward, and to fly towards our dreams and goals 

Available on ARTeSHOP for 150€
Closing of orders on 22 January 2023.

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