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Erik Takukam


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"Today, art and technology

meet and cross paths,

overlap and enrich each other."

Eric Takukam, an artist specialising in the visual and digital arts, has chosen to explore the world of #CryptoArt, seeing the #NFT as a fantastic opportunity for artists to make a name for themselves outside the traditional circuits.

The development of technology over the last few decades has made it possible to implement new modes of interaction between people.

With the ability to see, hear, analyse and interact, the object becomes subject and otherness.

It is no longer fixed as before, but becomes comparable to a process, something that sets itself in motion. The work is no longer a closed, linear object; it has an open, participatory "behaviour".

An original narrative

in which the works interact with visitors.

Augmented Reality is one of the initiatives designed to modernise art and make it more interactive.

Eric TAKUKAM offers us an immersive, sensory, poetic and educational encounter.

He uses Augmented Reality to tell us about his childhood memories. 

Each individual draws on the common background, as if it were a resource, to build his or her own identity.
Witness to the past and storyteller of the present in a digitised world of relentless progress, the "Villadin" is a reconstruction of moments in life, a representation of the imaginary world of social relationships. The "Villadin" also represents the artist himself in his plural diversity,
and above all in his perpetual quest for dialogue with others, a key element of his work. dialogue with others, a fundamental element
for social cohesion and development that is under threat today from capitalism and globalisation.

How can we live in this "Global Everything" without losing our sense of self, our memory and our intellectual continuity?

How can we open up to other worlds and appreciate other cultures without forgetting our roots?

By integrating the traditional and cultural symbols of the Grassfields into a living space, the "Villadin" uses technology

to transmit rural values such as solidarity, mutual aid and respect,

a contemporary way of ensuring that future generations are inspired by our cultural heritage.



Villadin" is a duty to remember,

a place where past, present and future come together
to create a world of solidarity and harmony.