" Hybride II "
a physical and digital exhibition
This weekend of 10 & 11 December, at the BXL ART NFT Gallery, you had the opportunity to immerse yourself in the virtual world of NOIR artist.

With the help of virtual reality headsets, you could immerse yourself in the Metavers and enjoy a beautiful walk through the animated digital paintings of NOIR artist.
During the whole month of December, it is still possible to come and admire the physical and digital works at the BXL ART NFT Gallery.
The digital works (NFT), created in limited numbers, are for sale on the Opensea platform: https://opensea.io/collection/noirartist
The physical works are on sale in the shop ARTeSHOP
Don't miss the next event: Noir Artist's Live Painting
Satrurday 17 dec from 10.30 am